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Summary of the Benefits and Risk of taking Epicatechin (Flavonoid)
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Posted by William Lang on Feb 24 2025
Summary of the Benefits and Risk of taking Epicatechin (Flavonoid)
Summary of the Benefits and Risk of taking Epicatechin (Flavonoid)
February 23, 2025
Epicatechin is an antioxidant flavonoid found in cacao, dark chocolate, cupuaçu, and many berries that may have health benefits. [1, 2, 3]. Possible side effects include: Gastrointestinal discomfort, Increased blood pressure, and Increased heart rate. Typical dosage levels are 100 mg to 300 mg per day.
Specific Findings – from Brain health [1, 4]
· Epicatechin may help with cognition, blood flow, and learning and memory
· It may also lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease Skin health [5]
· Epicatechin may protect skin from sun damage, improve blood flow, and make skin smoother Inflammation [2]
· Epicatechin may reduce inflammation that may play a role in cancer Heart health [3]
· Epicatechin is associated with a lower risk of stroke and heart failure Physical performance [1]
· Cacao’s flavanols may boost physical performance by influencing how the body uses nitric oxide Other health benefits [4]
· Epicatechin may help with brain perfusion, angiogenesis, and neurogenesis
· It may also improve various aspects of cognition in humans and animals
Epicatechin is also found in berries like blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, black plums, sweet cherries, and red grapes. [6]
References –
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Additional findings from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has funded research on epicatechin, a flavanol found in dark chocolate and cocoa. Studies have shown that epicatechin may help with muscle differentiation, mitochondrial biogenesis, and exercise capacity. [1, 2, 3, 4]
Research findings [4] from NIH
Muscle differentiation
Epicatechin can promote skeletal muscle differentiation and counteract protein degradation. [4]
Mitochondrial biogenesis Epicatechin can increase mitochondrial biogenesis in the heart and skeletal muscle. [2]
Exercise capacity Epicatechin can increase exercise capacity. [2]
Epicatechin can improve survival, delay skeletal muscle degeneration, and protect against age-related declines in nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism. [5]
Epicatechin can partially reverse the effects of aging on modulators of muscle growth and differentiation. [3]
Additional information [4, 6]
· Epicatechin is a polyphenol compound and a member of the flavonoid class of organic compounds. [4, 6] · The most abundant flavanol in dark chocolate is (–)-epicatechin. [1] · Epicatechin is thought to have health-promoting biological activity. [1] · Epicatechin can induce vasodilation of the femoral artery. [1]
References – from NIH
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Possible Side Effects –
Epicatechin is a flavonoid found in cocoa, tea, and other foods. While generally considered safe, some potential side effects include:
· Gastrointestinal discomfort:
Some individuals may experience mild stomach upset, nausea, or heartburn after consuming high amounts of epicatechin.
· Increased blood pressure:
In some studies, epicatechin has been shown to slightly increase blood pressure, although this effect is typically small and transient.
· Increased heart rate:
Similar to blood pressure, epicatechin may slightly increase heart rate in some individuals.
These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.